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River Song 河颂

Boats generate about 180dB of noise, similar to a jet engine, disrupting marine life as fish rely on sound for navigation and feeding. We developed RiverSong, a product employing active noise cancelling to cut this noise to 70dB, akin to a washing machine's sound. It works by placing a speaker and microphone near the propeller, sampling noise at 48,000 times per second to effectively reduce engine sound. Additionally, RiverSong gathers data on the Thames' water quality, like temperature, acidity, and TDS, which is then displayed through an interactive art sculpture that spins faster to represent more sound pollution. This project aims to heighten public awareness about sound pollution in the Thames.船只产生的噪音约为 180 分贝,与喷气发动机的噪音相近,会干扰海洋生物,因为鱼类依靠声音导航和觅食。我们开发了 RiverSong,这是一种采用主动降噪技术的产品,能将噪音降低到 70 分贝,类似于洗衣机的声音。它的工作原理是在螺旋桨附近放置扬声器和麦克风,以每秒 48,000 次的频率对噪音进行采样,从而有效降低发动机的声音。此外,RiverSong 还收集泰晤士河的水质数据,如温度、酸度和 TDS。该项目旨在提高公众对泰晤士河声污染的认识。
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